Sunday, April 24, 2005

Sunday reading hours

It's Sunday morning and bright and sunny so I'm starting the day with a bit of Elvis (Always on my Mind). Then out for a family walk on the beach. Fancied going to Brighton's new Jubilee library but can't because it's not open on Sundays. Why not? What's the point in building new libraries and trying to get people interested in them again if they're closed when I'm not working (or doing something else)?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Expecting Libraries to be open on a Sunday is absolutely pants. Pity the poor Librarian who would never get a day. Libraries open early and shut late, and are open on Saturdays. Stop moaning and start using the Library - if you just made an effort you could get to the Library????? As you are such an anorak I don't expect you read anywayzee!!!

Friday, 30 March, 2007  
Blogger Ben Lobo said...

Good comment. Constructive and well written. More like this, please.


Friday, 30 March, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually from the point of view from a Librarian I am sure the comments made are heartfelt. Perhaps this person is not genuine. A real Librarian would not use grammar and spelling as demonstrated. It must be a computing thing and I am hopeless with modern computer speak.
Before I had my boys I was a Librarian for 7 years and was lucky enough to get Wednesday & Saturday afternoons off and then I would have hated to work Sunday.
Now as a parent it would be great to work at the weekends so I definitely support Libraries opening 7 days a week and creating jobs for mothers like me who only want to leave my children when their father can look after them and enjoy the one to one relationship I have.
Now who can I lobby?
Denise Bainbridge

Wednesday, 18 April, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good grief, the comment by Mr Lobo about Library opening times was dull, he mocked a critic and then got some boring middle aged woman who wants to work on Sundays to post a comment about Libraries opening on a Sunday.

She could get a job in any superstore or garden centre, why wait until Library opening hours change.

Let's have proper discussions about the explotation of staff who are being forced to work longer hours, often for the same pay.

Have you used the Library yet Mr Lobo?????? As we have been having such pants weather in Brighton recently no doubt your anorak is out and being well worn!!!!!!!

Friday, 01 June, 2007  

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